The CineMan Twist: A Film Blog

Welcome to the Film Student’s Bakery…of Knowledge

Us (2019): The Postmodern Performance(s)

Postmodern cinema tends to refuse the single narrative, often to choosing to tell many stories about different characters than one tale about one protagonist. A trend within this trend is telling different stories about one character with different identities. Such is the case with Teddie/Andrew in Shutter Island (2010) and Betty/Diane in Mulholland Drive (2001).…

Shutter Island (2010): The Freedom of Postmodern Cinema

Shutter Island (2010) is either the film with the most gas-lighting or the most unreliable narrator, depending on how the viewer looks at it. The fact that it chooses neither is what makes the movie a Gothic masterpiece. No narrative is completely true, nor is either side completely right. Although Teddie plays the role of…

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